



Байтазиев Талгат Алтыбаевич

THE HEAD OF KAZAKHSTAN PLANT: He is an engineer-technologist in oil and gas processing and a graduate of the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute. After his graduation in 2000, he worked at the Baku cracking plant and at the plant "26 Baku commissars" in various engineering and technical positions. According to the order of Narkomneft in 2004, he worked as chief engineer of the Constantinople Refinery, named after Mendeleev, in Yaroslavl city. Since 2008, he has consistently held the position of production manager and chief engineer at the Orsk refinery, and since January 2010, he has been the director of the refinery. From 2020 on, he worked as the head of the Kazakhstan plant, the TTK-Eos oil refinery. He was the sole leader with ten years of experience in four labor groups; he did not need to learn the art of management.

Уразбаев Кайрат Кулымович

KAZAKHSTAN BOARD MEMBER : In 2010, he graduated from the part-time study department of the Oil and Gas Business Institute with the specialty "Oil and Gas Business Manager". Urazbaev Kairat Kulymovich was born on August 8, 1976, in the Atyrau region. In 2001, he graduated from the Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology with the specialty "Chemical Technology of Oil Refining." In 2010, he graduated from the Institute of Oil and Gas Business with the qualification "Manager of Oil and Gas Business" on a part-time course. He started his career in 2012 on the complex expedition "Mangyshlakneftegazrazvedka" as an operator. Then he worked as a mechanic in the oil-gas enterprise. After graduation, he worked as the operator of workshop №3 of the Guryev refinery named after Lenin. Member of the board of the TTK-Eos refinery plant in Kazakhstan.

Шишлов Сергей

Sergey Shishlov was born in the city of Guryev in 1986. He received his engineer, chemist, and technologist diplomas from the Grozny Oil Institute in 2000. He worked as a machine-minder, shift supervisor, head of department, deputy head of workshop, head of workshop, deputy chief engineer, head of production, and deputy director of production at the Guryev chemical plant. Much has been accomplished in the last two years. The refinery ran smoothly.

Ақсейіт Ерлан

Akseyit Yerlan works as a sales/export assistant at Trade Holding “SP Group” {TTK-Eos Oil} Refinery.

Гафнер Владимир

Gafner Vladimir was born in 1977. As a specialist engineer, he graduated from Tyumen Industrial Institute. Following graduation, he began his job as an operator at the Guryev refinery. In the same year, he was named head of the newly constructed catalytic reforming unit.He was the workshop's manager. He served as chief engineer.

Дидик Алдин

Дидич Алдин TTK-Eos мұнай өңдеу зауытының сату/экспорт бөлімінде жұмыс істейді.

Меркель Александр

Alexander Merkel was born in 1976. Graduated from Atyrau Oil and Gas University. After graduating from the university "Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc." started working in the company as a team leader for identification and promotion of IT projects. Currently working as Sales/Export Director.

Жүнісова Райхан

Жүнісова Райхан ТТК-Еос мұнай өңдеу зауытының сату/экспорт бөлімінде жұмыс істейді.